Section I - The Role of the Provider, Part One Welcome and Overview Role of the Provider Scope of Service Types of Providers Safety and Security Ratio of Children to Provider
Section II- Role of the Provider, Part Two Conflicts of Interest Confidentiality Email Signature Suggestion Terms and Conditions Safety Considerations for Sexual Abuse Cases Legal Responsibilities and Obligations of a Provider Client Holds and Terminations
Section III- The Josh Powell Case Legal Responsibilities
Section IV- Parents and Miscellaneous Issues The Custodial Parent The Visiting Parent The Child or Children Side Note: Manipulation Staggering Parent Arrivals and Departures Choosing the Location “Chasing” Clients Dietary Issues Child Abuse Reporting Maintenance and Disclosure of Records, Part One Maintenance and Disclosure of Records, Part Two Side Note: Speaking with Attorneys Online Documentation with Electronic Records System
Section V- Screening, Monitoring, and Termination of Visitation The Interview The Orientation The Child Orientation The Visit Kick Start an Awkward Visit with This Game Terminating a Visit Failure to Comply Handling No Shows Handling Grievances
Section VII- Helping Families in Supervised Visitation Child Development Cultural Sensitivity Issues Relating to Substance Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence, Part One Issues Relating to Substance Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence, Part Two Issues Relating to Substance Abuse, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence, Part Three
Section VIII- Bonus Content General and Professional Liability Insurance Setting Up the Visit Room Allowing Employees to Set Their Own Schedule Avoiding Blind Spots, Getting Attached and Creating a Buffer Working with Emotional Parents Passive-Aggressive Parents and Their Shenanigans Getting Subpoenaed and Testifying Handling Negative Public Reviews
Section IX - Document Templates Customizable Templates: Agreement / Contract Visit Guidelines Neutrality Acknowledgement Tips for Having a Good Visit And much more!
Your Certificate!
PLUS... Add- on option for weekly phone coaching Add-on option for employee training (Not included in the Employee version.) Add-on a FREE courses: Fire Safety and Universal Precautions Training If you plan on providing Supervised Visitation, make sure you check state and local laws and that you meet the minimum requirements before taking the training. For example, some states require that you are of a certain age or that you have never been subject to an order for Supervised Visitation yourself.
Additionally, some states allow for Therapeutic Visitation and others do not. Due diligence is key!